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This survey is part of the Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Transformation of Agriculture and the results will inform our future consultations and capacity development activities. Farmers who provide their email addresses will be contacted back for further involvement: participate, and you will drive the action!

Spanish - Portuguese - English

enlightened Lo invitamos a participar en este breve sondeo sobre las TIC y la agricultura familiar. Sólo le tomará unos 10 minutos y sus respuestas nos permitirán fortalecer nuestra acción colectiva sobre transformación digital incluyente de la agricultura en América Latina y el Caribe. Para participar presione (puede escoger el idioma de su preferencia arriba a la derecha)

enlightened Convidamos você a participar desta pequena pesquisa sobre TIC e agricultura familiar. Você levará apenas cerca de 10 minutos e suas respostas nos permitirão fortalecer nossa ação coletiva sobre a transformação digital inclusiva da agricultura na América Latina e no Caribe. Para participar, pressione (você pode escolher o idioma de sua preferência no canto superior direito)

enlightened We invite you to participate in this short survey on ICT and family farming. It will only take you about 10 minutes and your responses will allow us to strengthen our collective action on inclusive digital transformation of agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean. To participate press (you can choose the language of your preference at the top right)


The survey is promoted by the Forum of the Americas for Agricultural Research and Technology Development (FORAGRO), the Confederation of Family Producers Organizations of the Expanded Mercosur (COPROFAM), the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) initiative, and the AgGateway consortium of digital agriculture solution providers, with the support of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR)..