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  1. Capacity Development led by CGIAR can help agriculturalists in developing countries discover and develop their own expertise and confidence. But it is through capacity development interventions in, and by, whole communities and (local) organizations in these countries that most potently…
  2. The CGIAR has embarked on establishing guidelines on capacity development (CapDev). In line with the renewed emphasis on enhanced partnerships within the CGIAR Research Programs and the priorities and work of the CGIAR Centers, the CapDev Working Group is seeking views of a range of…
  3. Following strong involvement and recognition of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) in earlier meetings of Agricultural Chief Scientists of the G20 Nations and the involvement of G20 MACS in the GCARD process and key global partnership actions, GFAR was invited to participate in…
  4. Agricultural research and development (AR4D) systems are basic to finding the long-term solutions to the sources and motors of recurrent crises. AR4D in post-conflict and protracted crises countries invariably suffers from poor research infrastructure and financial means, high staff turnover and…
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