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GFAR invites you comments on the draft CGIAR
The CGIAR has embarked on establishing guidelines on capacity development (CapDev). In line with the renewed emphasis on enhanced partnerships within the CGIAR Research Programs and the priorities and work of the CGIAR Centers, the CapDev Working Group is seeking views of a range of organizations and resource persons on the draft document. The CapDev Conference of Partners will then review the revised draft document in early September. Clearly, the paper will have importance within the ongoing CGIAR Reform to frame the fundamental, cross-cutting role of capacity development in support of agricultural innovation and research for development for smallholder farmers.
GFAR has been asked to help obtain feedback on the draft guidelines from a range of partners. We would very much hope that as an individual or as a focal point for your institution or network, you and your constituent networks would wish to review and comment on the document. This is an opportunity to influence the paper and process with far reaching consequences for agricultural research at global, regional and national level. Please find attached the draft document as well as the link:
The document is not long, so we trust that you and your members could review the document in the immediate future. Given the consideration of the paper in September, and the need to aggregate the responses received for submission to the CapDev Working Group, we would wish to receive your views at by 6 August 2014. You may wish to respond with comments within the document or provide separate, remarks referencing the relevant sections. Please proceed as you prefer.
We very much look forward to your contributions. We are pleased that the CGIAR Consortium and this Working Group are reaching out to a wide range of external partners and interested actors through the Global Forum and the diverse range of AR4D stakeholders uniquely brought together in GFAR.
This is an opportunity to seek the perspectives and interests of those who are intended to directly benefit from the capacity development guidelines at local and country levels. We will certainly advise you of the results of the review and the subsequent discussions of the CapDev Conference of Partners in September.