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  1. Research Institute
  2. Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU) was founded in 1940 as the Karelian-Finnish University and was renamed in 1956. During its 70-year-long history, the university has trained more than 60000 highly qualified specialists. Among its graduates there are academicians, ministers and world-famous…
  3. The university is one of the most dynamically developing educational institutions in Russia. Established on December, 30th 1959, it was initially named Penza Plant-Technical College, branch of Penza Polytechnic Institute.The mission of plant-technical colleges was target training of engineers for…
  4. Orel State Agrarian University is a large centre of agricultural education, science and culture in the central region of the non-black soil area of Russia. Orel State Agricultural Institute was founded in 1975; in 1995 it received the status of Orel State Agricultural Academy which in 1999 has…
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