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  1. An expert in the environment and economics by training, Federico Burone oversees IDRC’s research programming in Latin America and the Caribbean. When Burone joined IDRC in 1997, it was as Executive Director of the Environmental Management Secretariat (EMS) for Latin America. His work there focused…
  2. Senior Agricultural Specialist in the Africa region, Agriculture and Rural Development, coordinating the CAADP-CGIAR Steering Committee. Formerly with the Alliance Office for the CGIAR Centers (as Senior Program Officer, and as Executive Secretary to the Directors General, 2002-2007) and the CGIAR…
  3. Education: PhD, Ag and Applied Economics, from U of Minnesota M.Sc. Computer Science, U of Minnesota Work: Ag and policy economist, Ciat, since 2010 University profesor for more than 10 years at USFQ, Flacso, ESPE universities in Ecuador. Notional secretary of science and technology of Ecuador
  4. I am a Cameroonian and an Agronomist by training, with 20+ years of professional experience in agriculture and rural development, natural resources management and the environment, development finance, income generation, microenterprise development and capacity empowerment. The programs aimed at…
  5. Victor M. Villalobos (PhD from University of Calgary, Canada), is a well-recognized expert in the agricultural and biological fields, as well as in the natural and genetic resources fields. He has worked in a variety of positions such as full professor, research leader, international appointee,…
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