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  1. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is working towards alleviation of poverty and hunger by promoting agricultural development, improved nutrition and the pursuit of food security. It is active in land and water development, plant and animal production, forestry,…
  2. "The discussions focused on an interrelated sets of issues at the global level: - Changes in poverty: nature, causes, and dynamics. - New constraints on productivity: agriculture, forestry, and fisheries - New threats to sustainability of agroecosystems and their NR context. The intent was to…
  3. "In Week 1 we were to discuss (1) changes in poverty: its causes, nature and dynamics, (2) new constraints on productivity in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, and (3) new threats to sustainability of agro-ecosystems and their natural resource context, all of this being done to arrive at a…
  4. The GFAR Business Plan (BP) provides a frame work and guidelines to its constituent stakeholders [...] It comprises three parts: (i) a strategic document that briefly describes some of the issues that shaped the vision of GFAR and guided the choice of its priority areas of focus for the immediate…
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