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  1. 2013 ACMC Certificate
  2. Profesora Adjunta-Cátedra de Economia Agraria
  3. The succès of agriculture comes from innovations and leadership. We are encouraged to perform research activities in other to create new varieties adapted to changing environnement. Afterall, the great accomplishments will be the result of hard works and good managing skills.   Surely, Agriculture…
  4. I have got a PhD in Agroecology and my expert is Organic Farming.
  5. Specializes in Law, Intellectual Property and Farmers 
  6. - Fiinding things - automatic location and extraction of agricultural information from research literature, in particular legacy / not born digital documents.
  7. Origin coffee & coffee trainning services ( CRS, enviromental and social projects)
  9. I work at ILRI in Ethiopia. -
  10. Ingénieur agronome de formation de l'Université Catholique de Bukavu, je travaille dépuis 6 ans au Nord-Kivu en République démocratique du Congo dans le domaine du développement et de la recherche agricole.
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