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  1. Freya Yost is Director of Information Services at A Growing Culture, an international organization that promotes ecological agriculture through information exchange. She manages the Library for Food Sovereignty, an online platform that facilitates information sharing between small-holder farmers…
  2. The Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) has been initiated by the G20 to promote agricultural innovation in tropical countries. To achieve this goal, TAP acts as a multilateral and dynamic facilitation mechanism that enables more effective and streamlined capacity development interventions in…
  3. Imma Subirats has been working as senior knowledge and information management officer at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) since 2006. She works on the advise of standards, tools and good practices for the management and exchange of data to academic, research,…
  4. Working within IDS Knowledge Services as manager of the Eldis project - sharing the best in development policy, practice and research []. We produce a range of online services via the website and offer free open access to bibliographic data via our API. In addition I manage a small…
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