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Canadian International Development Agency

Nikita Eriksen-Hamel is the Senior Agricultural Policy Advisor of the Canadian International Development Agency. In this role he has contributed to the development of CIDA's Food Security Strategy, the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund and in shaping Canada's commitments to international fora, including the G8 and G20. His current position
involves improving the coordination of food security programming, in particular around agricultural research, and providing overall policy guidance to improve the effectiveness of food security programs at the Agency. Dr. Eriksen-Hamel is the Canadian Board member of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) and represents the donor constituency on the Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR) Steering Committee. Before joining CIDA, Dr. Eriksen-Hamel worked as a consultant in the private sector and in academia on environmental and agricultural projects in countries across Asia and Africa.