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  1. The Organização para Promoção da Paz e Desenvolvimento Humanitário (Organization for the Promotion of Peace and Humanitarian Development -ORPHAD), is a Mozambican entity, nonprofit, established in 2013 and licensed in 2014, with national and international registration of private law, endowed with…
  2. Licentiate student in Medical Sciences at Karolinska Institute (Sweden), and Bachelor (honors) in Veterinary Sciences at Eduardo Mondlane University (EMU); 5 years of experience at lecturing Food Hygiene and Food technology to Undergraduate students in Veterinary Sciences at the Veterinary Faculty…
  3. Over the years, universities in Africa have sought opportunities to send their staff for post-graduate training abroad in a bid to strengthen research and training, at very high costs. The loss of faculty for 4 to 5 years has negatively affected universities.  In order to meet the growing…
  4. Written by: David Palmer (UNFAO) and Andrew Hilton (UNFAO) Millions of smallholders contribute to food security in ways that promote biodiversity and enhance natural resources, yet millions more lead livelihoods that are vulnerable to hunger and poverty. No single reason exists for…
  5. Source: CCAFS   The IFAD-CCAFS Learning Alliance is calling for concept notes with the focus on economic valuation of climate risks and adaptation responses in agricultural development projects.   Closing date: 10 November 2014, 08h00 CET.   Rationale for the call…
  6. The call for proposals for grants from the Agriculture Fast Track Fund (AFT) is open from now until 31 December 2013.   The Agriculture Fast Track Fund, a new multi-donor trust fund, managed by the African Development Bank (AfDB), designed to…
  7. DFID’s Ministers have approved the Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters Programme (BRACED) which is expected to benefit up to 5 million people, especially women and children, by building their resilience to climate extremes (mostly droughts and floods). This…
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