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INCO-DEV is a specific programme for S&T cooperation in Research for development with
developing countries (, a part of the European Framework programme
for RTD, which is the instrument for implementation of the European research policy.
The objectives of this programme are to:
1. tackle the challenges faced by DCs, and which derive from their particular conditions and
adjustments to recent global trends.
2. mobilize the European S&T community jointly with DC research teams.

Development Objective: to reduce poverty and improve food security and child nutrition,
improve gender equity in rural areas, increase agricultural productivity, and promote sustainable use
of natural resources through more appropriate and better informed government action.
Immediate Objective: i) to generate information through collaborative research activities on those
themes and sub-themes that have identified by East and West African network members as priorities

Undertake an in-depth investigation of rice marketing, processing, storage, and trade;
· Analyze the structure of incentives, including the impact of exiting interventions;
· Assess the impact of reforms on farmers, processors, traders, exporters, and
· Prepare rice policy options for implementation by the government;
· Develop a data base on key rice market indicators; and
· Provide training to staff of concerned government agencies in statistical sampling,
survey design, methods, data processing, and economic policy analysis.

ILRI and ICIMOD (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development) identified, through
GIS-based mapping, that smallholder dairy is increasing in importance in the HKH region.
Informal discussions with NARS, NGOs and Dairy Cooperatives in Nepal, Bhutan, Uttar Pradeah
and Himachal Pradesh of India indicated that there is lack of a conducive institutional and policy
environment, and appropriate technology to support dairy development in these countries/regions.

The goal of the Project is to strengthen the institutional sustainability of agricultural
science and technology organizations in Latin America. Its purpose is to build conceptual,
methodological and technical capacities in the management of institutional change and innovation.

Universities in many developing countries have mandates and resources for research and they can
make significant contributions to agricultural and economic development. Yet university resources
are rarely fully utilized for development-oriented research. The study ¿Strengthening the Role of
Universities in the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) in Sub-Saharan Africa¿ was
designed to help universities improve their research performance and to optimize their collaboration
with other components of their national agricultural research system.

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