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Although there have been enormous exchange of agricultural information globally, African national agricultural research systems have been left behind. Several international service providers provide different systems to facilitate exchange of information through internet or other media such as books, newsletters.

FARA in its response to its stakeholders to strengthen their capacity to access and contribute to the global knowledge exchange, developed the Regional agricultural information and learning systems (RAILS). RAILS provides the continental perspective to the subregional agricultural information systems which in turn responds to the needs and requirements of its member NARS.

A taskforce comprising representatives from the SROs, NARS, civil society organizations, GFAR and observers from international service providers such as infosys+, FAO, CABI, CTA provides FARA the oversight in implementing its activities. In its recently held meeting, the taskforce endorsed the RAILS main priorities for the next five years. These are: accessibility enhancement of NARS through ICT infrastructure support and training; advocacy for increased investment to ICT; facilitating synergies and learning of national, regional and international initiatives and consolidation of national agricultural information systems towards a functional African platform.

The final RAILS program of work will be finalized by May 2006 for initial startup by June 2006 and full implementation by January 2007.