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Organizations These profiles of organizations come from AgriProfiles and include local records in the GFAR database which have not been exported to Agriprofiles yet. (GFAR shares its whole database of organizations with AgriProfiles.)
See here the data providers contributing data to AgriProfiles. For more information on the GFAR database of organizations contributed to AgriProfiles, read here. Records are in alphabetical order. Displaying 8501 - 8520 of 8631
South Africa
From AgriProfiles. Sources: GFAR
From AgriProfiles. Sources: GFAR

The womens farming syndicate was established with the aim of eradicating poverty amongst rural women
Through a sustainble agribusiness model. WFS has established skills training and processing centres across Zimbabwe and established a women's showcase market which enables women to access markets and share best practices with women from other regions and continents.


Mission Statement
To promote sustainable agriculture and rural development through policy and technical assistance, networking, research, training and education for safeguarding and dynamic conservation of the world’s agricultural heritage systems and sites.