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Food and Nutrition Research Centre/Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plants Study

I'm working for the national research institution "Institute of medical researches and medicinal plant studies" in the Food and nutrition research centre located in Yaounde, Cameroon. My activities concern food processing in response to the nutritional needs of consumers taking into account their status. I'm actually doing a PhD in the 'Université catholique de Louvain' working on the bioactive compounds in bananas according to the diversity. I'm also a member of the YPARD and the Danish development research network.
I participated to the 2009 CGIAR Forum in Wageningen the Netherlands and the concept of promoting seeds with added value developped there lead me to be interested in bringging informations about the nutritional importance of available diverses "seeds". That is why I'm working on banana diversity and it is one of the important points of my research. I hope to be part of this conference to learn from the differents sessions and contribute as I can to the discussions.