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Based on the results of the electronic forum discussion and on documents prepared by the
different participating institutions, the consultation will:
¿ Review the present status of the Information & Communication Management (ICM) and
ICT situation in all agricultural sub-sectors of the A-P Region, identifying: i) information
requirements; ii) information facilities or services which already exist; iii) existing projects
or proposals aimed at strengthening information systems and/or services.
¿ Identify constraints which could prevent the implementation of an effective, efficient and
sustainable information system in A-P and to brainstorm on possible ways and means to
alleviate them.
¿ Formulate terms of reference for the elaboration of an APRAIS; to identify the different
topics which will have to be addressed; and to propose respective contributions of the
different regional and international institutions/associations to the strategy document as
well as a timeframe for its formulation.

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