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  1. Scope of the livestock-agriculture integration: 1) The livestock-agriculture integration (system) is a mechanism that can respond to poverty reduction and food security in different agro-ecological regions (semi-arid, semi-humid, highlands), economies and social contexts. 2) System approach that…
  2. 1) Contributions of SMEs to rural development increasingly recognized. 2) Trends enhancing SMEs roles: a) growth of off farm activities; b) shift from supply to demand orientation; c) weak linkages ¿ constraint to tech adoption; d) filling in gap in supply and service delivery ¿ job for enterprises…
  3. Insights on RKS & IP: 1) Innovation is a process of social interaction that generates new knowledge within the actors. 2) Most farmers and communities construct knowledge without interaction with scientists. 3) Scientific innovation systems and institutions have denied farmers pride in their…
  4. Summary matrix of international environmental conventions and related initiatives
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