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  1. Hard-working, determined and passionate agricultural engineer with professional experience in biological research and laboratory work. Currently completing Master’s in Sustainable IPM Technologies for Mediterranean Fruit and Vegetable crops with specific focus on virology. If you want to get…
  3. Institutul de Cercetări şi Amenajări Silvice (ICAS) este o instituţie publică de interes naţional, cu personalitate juridică, aflată în coordonarea Ministerului Mediului şi Pădurilor (Legea nr.46/2008), specializată în cercetare ştiinţifică, dezvoltare tehnologică, proiectare de investiţii,…
  4. 2015 marked a shift in international attention towards the importance of soils, with the United Nations’ decision to inaugurate 2015 as International Year of Soils. This was an important step in raising public awareness, but public concern alone is not sufficient to protect soils and ensure their…
  5. Organic.Balkanet was an EU project funded under the Lenonardo da Vinci programme/Transfer of Innovation sub-programme of EC. The overall aim of Organic.Balkanet was to facilitate the transfer of innovative training practices and e-learning content to the case of vocational education of young and…
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