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  1. Le réseau Interface a été créé pour répondre aux problèmes de développement du secteur agrobusiness confronté à la mutation de l¿environnement des affaires dans ce monde de globalisation et d¿exacerbation de la concurrence. Espace de réflexions, d¿échanges et d¿actions, INTERFACE couvre…
  2. To provide improved methods to assess the impact of introduction and use of technology resulting from USAID investments in agricultural research, a suite of integrated interactive models was created for use in developing countries. Economic, environmental, and biophysical models were developed to…
  3. October 2006: DGIS Support to Prolinnova 2007-2010 confirmedThe Netherlands Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed its commitment to co-fund Prolinnova for the next 4 years, 2007-2010.Though Prolinnova receives funding support from…
  4. A two-man review team composed of Julian Gonsalves (India) and Oumar Niangado (Mali) are in the process of undertaking an internally commissioned review of GFAR's Global Partnership Programme (GPP) mechanism for promoting and learning about building multi-stakeholder partnerships. The team…
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