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  1. Anna joined the Open Data Institute in September 2014 as its Writer and Editor. As part of the content and learning team, she focuses on telling stories with open data and helping to shape outputs across ODI’s programmes.Anna’s background is in human rights and global development. Before joining…
  2. Nacido en Guadalupe, La Libertad, Perú en 1948Ingeniero Zootecnista y Magister Scientiae en Producción y extnsión agrícolaCoordinador de Ciencia y Tecnología en el Instituto de transferencia de tecnologías apropiadas de Convenio Andrés Bello con ámbito en 12 países de américa Latina y España.…
  3. I am a mAgriculture Specialist working on project "mKisan" funded by GSMA Foundation in India - Mobile Agriculture Specialist with 5 plus years of experience in deploying and designing mAgri service in India. Currently, I am working to integrate climate change agriculture knowledge with…
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