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Our New Strategy: Redefining how CGIAR does business to 2030
As part of the development of CGIAR’s new Strategy and Results Framework (SRF), the CGIAR Consortium and GFAR implemented a broad stakeholder consultation that provided stakeholders and partners both inside and outside CGIAR with opportunities to provide input. This consultation was part of a broader engagement process known as GCARD3.
We are proud to present CGIAR’s 2015 – 2030 Strategy and Results Framework (SRF): Harnessing New Opportunities as approved by CGIAR’s Consortium Board in May 2015.
The CGIAR Strategy responds and will contribute directly to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations, in particular to reduce poverty, to improve food and nutrition security for health, and to improve natural resources systems and ecosystems services.
Source: CGIAR