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From 23 August - 2 September 2016, GFRAS will be moderating an e-discussion on the topic "The Role of Rural Advisory Services for Inclusive Agripreneurship". The e-discussion is a preparatory activity leading up to the 7th GFRAS Annual Meeting, 3 - 6 October in Limbé, Cameroon, and will address question such as:

Is agripreneurship really a sustainable solution to address the challenges in agriculture or just yet another catchword promising the solution to the worlds problems?

Is it really that easy to become - and succeed - as an agripreneur?

What can RAS do to help farmers, herders, fishermen and women, young and old, to become successful agripreneurs? 

Another opportunity to voice your opinion and insights on a wide range of RAS issues is by commenting on one of the 20 Notes published as part of the GGP Initiative. The Notes focus on various approaches and methods in rural advisory service, and GFRAS would like to hear your feedback: What was useful and what needs improvement? Use the comments feature of the online version of each note, and if you have a special topic in mind that would deserve a GGP Note, let GFRAS know via the GGP Wishlist.