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From the CGIAR website: Now that the proposal for a revitalized CGIAR is approved, we will enter into a transition phase. The CGIAR Members appointed a Transition Management Team (TMT) to oversee implementation of the agreed changes. The TMT provides monthly progress updates. Click here for the "TMT Updates".
Over the course of 2009, the Consortium of Centers and the new CGIAR Fund will be established. In addition to making changes to our structures, we [the CGIAR] will need to change how we work together, continuing to build a system mindset and strengthen our partnerships. Streams of work, deliverables and timelines to implement the transition are currently being developed by the TMT. These will focus on the key elements of the new CGIAR, namely the Consortium, Fund, Strategy and Results Framework, Mega-programs, Partnerships, the Conference on Agricultural Research for Development, accountability, monitoring and evaluation, positioning of the CGIAR, system-wide issues, and culture change and behavioural shifts.
During the transition, changes will be monitored to ensure that they meet the criteria of clear strategic focus; increased research output, outcome and impact; greater efficiency, effectiveness and relevance; simplicity and clarity of governance; enhanced decentralized decision making; and active subsidiarity to capitalize on complementarities between the Centers.
For more information in the Change Management Process, please click here.