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The United Nations Conference on Climate Change, which took place in Poznan, Poland in December 2008, was a vital stepping stone in laying the groundwork for an international response to climate change from governments throughout the world.
During this conference, the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP) in cooperation with the private sector platform CropLife International and the Global Forum on Agricultural Research hosted a side event which detailed the importance of agriculture in climate change policy.
The event was moderated by the Vice President of IFAP, Elisabeth Gauffin. The session reviewed ways in which agriculture has an impact on climate change and covered an array of issues such as the challenges and opportunities of livestock grazing, the potential of conservation tillage and plant biotechnology, as well as inventive ways of using manure for clean energy and bio-gas.
Mark Holderness, GFAR Executive Secretary, served as the keynote speaker during this session and presented a paper entitled, “Climate Change and Agriculture: New Knowledge Needs in a Changing World”, in which he highlighted the vital role that agricultural research plays in mitigating and adapting to climate change and the commitment that is required from all those who care about not just agriculture, but the environment.

If you would lie to watch a video of the presentations in this session, please click here.Al Gore speaks at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Poznan, Poland