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"[...] the GFAR-SC approved in October of 1999 the GFAR Initiative in Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (GRFA), to be carried out in close consultation with IPGRI and with FAO. There is a strong rationale for the choice of a GRFA initiative at this time. Although the importance of GRFA is well recognized by all GFAR stakeholders, the negotiation and implementation of global agreements (including the CBD, WTO and the FAO International Undertaking on Plant genetic Resources), coupled with recent
developments in biotechnology and intellectual property protection, present complex and difficult
issues at national and local levels. The GFAR initiative on GRFA is aimed at developing a greater
understanding and agreement on these issues, so that GR can be effectively conserved and used,
and benefits shared. It aims to articulate a consensus among stakeholders of the importance of the
continued availability of GRFA for breeding and development purposes, and to bring these concerns
to the attention of policy-makers. This non-governmental initiative seeks to support and complement
relevant Governmental process, particularly the negotiation for the revision of the International
Undertaking in harmony with the Convention on Biological Diversity."

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