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The purpose of this roundtable was to provide inputs to the APAARI secretariat in the formulation
of the Plan of Action for the implementation of the APAARI Vision 2025. It is important to point
out that for the formulation of a detailed Plan of Action, that would include a clear identification of
who will do what, more concrete budget information will have to be prepared, with an indication of
the possible commitment of members or of the possibility of mobilizing funds from donors for
concrete projects or activities. This level of detailed information is already available for the
¿APARIS Project¿ that is being proposed in the area of information and communication (see
paragraph 1-e below), but it is not yet the case for other proposals. Thus the roundtable
concentrated on providing a first basis for such a process, as an input into the work the APAARI
Secretariat will further elaborate in the near future.

Publication date
Document type
Centre publication