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¿The Global Plan of Action (GPA), adopted at the Fourth International Technical
Conference in Leipzig in June 1996, is a comprehensive framework for action
necessary for the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for
food and agriculture (PGRFA) around the world. The GPA has been widely
welcomed at local, national, regional and international levels, and has been
extensively taken into account in developing plans and carrying out related activities.
A recent review of the GPA implementation2 found that, although considerable
implementation of several activities have already taken place, there were, ¿gaps,
imbalances and insufficient coordination in implementing the plan. [...]This short paper will briefly examine the interrelationships and linkages between the GPA, the draft Multilateral System, and Farmers Rights and highlight the need for agreed costing and funding arrangements required for effective implementation of the GPA.¿

Riley, Ken
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