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The coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) is a major agricultural crop in tropical areas. The only hopes for
its asexual propagation lie on in vitro vegetative multiplication of high performance individuals using
in vitro culture techniques and more particularly in somatic embryogenesis, remains the only hope for
a substantial improvement in the productivity of plantations. Unfortunately, however coconut is a
highly recalcitrant species as far as tissue culture is concerned.In 1995, several groups involved in coconut regeneration research gathered together for the first time to start a joint effort to overcome the major difficulties encountered in coconut regeneration. Solid
progress for the mastery of coconut regeneration has been made under this project funded by the
European Community . Results obtained have allowed the regeneration of vitroplants in all the
laboratories involved in the project. For the first time in coconut reliable protocols for plantlet
regeneration have been obtained and can be duplicated in different laboratories. This represent an
important breakthrough for coconut regeneration obtained within the duration of the project.

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