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  1. The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (MAIB) is a Centre for post-graduate training, applied scientific research and promoter of in-loco partnership actions in the framework of the international cooperation programmes, it works in four thematic areas: “Land and water resources…
  2. The library was established in Rome at the 1952 FAO Conference, according to the decisions of the 1950 Conference. It was named David Lubin Memorial Library by the Conference to honor the founder of the International Institute of Agriculture (IIA). The extensive IIA collection formed a solid base…
  3. L'ISMEA (Istituto di Servizi per il Mercato Agricolo Alimentare) è un ente pubblico economico istituito con l'accorpamento dell'Istituto per Studi, Ricerche e Informazioni sul Mercato Agricolo (già ISMEA) e della Cassa per la Formazione della Proprietà Contadina, con decreto…
  4. Bioversity International is a recognized leader in agricultural biodiversity research working with more than 700 partners around the world to improve the lives of smallholder farmers and rural communities. Bioversity International is a member of the CGIAR Consortium and a partner with Rome-based…
  5. <p>The FAPDA tool is a web-based platform gathering information on food and agriculture policy decisions since 2007 from more than 80 countries (5000+ policies registered). The tool allows users to directly access and retrieve information by country or region, date or type of policy.</p…
  6. The database was created thanks to the Moncapri project commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture to monitor soil maps on the national territory and has implemented over the years to include the relative map images or links to online documentation.
  7. Soil Monitoring Software &nbsp;(SMS) layers
  8. NEW MEDIT, an OPEN ACCESS review, is a quarterly review published on behalf of the IAM in Bari, the Italian Institute of Ciheam. It is a new edition of the former journal, Medit, which was first published in 1990. Economics, agriculture, and environment are the key words of the subjects dealt with…
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