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Международный научно-исследовательский журнал "Успехи современной науки"

Klyuyev Sergey Vasiliyevich was born in 1982, April 26th in Belgorod. I began my research activity in 2000.In 2003year won the GRANT contest of students, postgraduates and young scientists of higher educational institutions of Belgorod region, under the Ministry of the Russian Federation. Awarded medal at the open contest for the best scientific work of students on natural, technical and humanitarian Sciences in the universities of the Russian Federation in 2004 - the city of Novosibirsk.In 2011year was awarded the title of Laureate of the regional contest "engineer of the year - 2010" in the nomination "Construction, building industry". In 2012 supervisor of RF Presidential Grant MK-2715.2012.8 in subject "Developing scientific and application bases of improving the efficiency of fine-grained fibrous concrete on the base of technogenic sands and composite binders for industrial and civil construction".In 2012 applicant "Scientific and Scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2009-2013, grant № 14В37.1487, in subject: "Development of scientific and practical bases of composite creation binding on the basis of technogenic raw materials for the production of fibre-reinforced concrete for repair works".In 2012, the head of the grant for graduate students and young scientific and pedagogical workers of the Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University 2012-2016 , in subject "Development of theoretical and practical foundations for strengthening and restoration of building constructions the composite on the basis of carbon by external reinforcement".In 2013, co-executor of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation МК-5667.2013.8 , in subject "Improve the operational characteristics of concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures for composite binders and man-made sand due to the dispersed and external reinforcement".In 2012, the winner of Russian contest "Engineer of the year-2012" in the nomination "Construction, building industry" in the category "Engineering art of the young". Corresponding member of Academy of Quality Problems and the Petrovskaya Academy of Science and Arts. Professor of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Honored worker of science and education RАNS.I have already published 142 articles, including 9 monographs, 7 articles from the Scopus list, 50 articles from the list of the Russian Higher Attestation Commission, 2 training manuals. I have got 3 licensees in Russia, 5 author's certificate and 5 know-how.In 2015, I was appointed as the Chief editor of the journal "Modern Science Success".